Rabu, 04 Juli 2018

Tugas 3 - Notes About Quantum Computing with Video

On this occasion, we post an innovation work by using a video explaining quantum computing. Quantum Computing consists of 2 words "Quan... thumbnail 1 summary
On this occasion, we post an innovation work by using a video explaining quantum computing. Quantum Computing consists of 2 words "Quantum" and "Computation". Quantum means unlimited quantity / quantity, and Computing means computer science where algorithms are used to find a way of solving problems from an input data. So Quantum Computing is a field of study that plays a role in the development of computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory, which explains the nature and behavior of energy and matter at the quantum level (atoms and subatomes).

Explanation of quantum computing can be seen in the previous post, you can click the link below:

Review Paper Komputasi Kunatum

Pengantar Quantum Komputasi